HTTP/1.0 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache, private Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 15:32:45 GMTCOVID-19 (Coronavirus) and critical supply chain | Ceetak Heating Solutions

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and critical supply chain

With the continual and rapidly changing situation regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) we would like to update you on our operational activities:

Our  primary concern remains the wellbeing of our employees, customers and service providers.

Following guidance of the UK Government we are continuing with the implementation of our Business Contingency Plan, which is proving successful in delivering a high level of service to our customers. This plan is supported with a combination of fully-connected home working and on-site operational staff within our Quality Control, Warehouse and Logistics Functions.

We remain in constant communication with our supply chains who are operating effectively and are managing demand to support our customers. 

On 19 March 2020 the UK Government issued a list of “critical sectors” which are deemed necessary to remain operational during the COVID-19 response. 

These include (but not limited) to medical, food processing, oil, energy, gas, military, defence, utilities and transport sectors. Many of our customers are involved in these industry sectors and as such they have identified Ceetak Ltd as a ‘Key Supplier’ to them. 

We are committed to supporting our customers and proud of the service we are able to continue to provide.